
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quote of the Day

Books is the key of knowledge at the door of power and prosperity. To gain power, someone must read

The Answer for Pain

The most tiring job to do in this world is waiting. Waiting does not cost a lot of energy (most of the times), it often happen in most comforting way (in air con room, with TV and Stereo Set), but yet a lot of people hate to wait.

I am still waiting for that happy day when waiting is over, when pain is over, when heartache is over, and behold my King on His throne. My Lord come now for i am weary and heavy laden.

Rethoric God

It is interesting to find that God has provided laugh when all i have is tears, he has provide me friend when all i have is loneliness, he has provided me with hands when all is eyes, but the best of all he has provided me with love and forgiveness when all i have is mistake.

The Problem of The Sick

The Problem of the Sick is not only limited to physical pain but rather a feeling of insecurity. What this pain will bring to me?", Pain will always be part of humanity, and it will stay here as long as God does not renew our world trough the third coming of Jesus.
What Christian minister can give to them? I believe what minister can bring is no other than assurance. As Jesus walk with us on our ministry, a Christian Minister must be the place where his flock can come and find rest.

Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my Shepherd, i have nothing to worry about"

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Deep within our soul there is hunger that cannot be fulfilled with anything but love. We might think money, fame, and prestige will fill it up but yet none prevail. I have come to that reality more than once, and i found the truth that will always be true.
Everywhere we go we will encounter the hard, painful truth of humanity. Selfishness, greediness, lust, politics, all the dirt that often drives conflict and pain.
It almost convince me that probably it is true we are all hungry for power, for gain, for self.
But now and then suddenly i met people who somehow living beyond that box of humanity, that box of lust, that box of selfishness.
I met a boy who cannot be controlled and hyperactive. Psychiatric result has confirmed he suffer from ADD. Last week he just vandalize one of the chair of the Deaf Society of Singapore while we visit that place. I was pity for him, for the Deaf Society, and also for the coordinator of this visit who with all her strength try to be normal even though her face is simply just flew to the moon (Asian and Chinese in particular is really concern about being embarrassed in public)
Who to blame? is the simple question for this experience. We scold this boy and he was not happy about it. He cries, throwing the pencil and books to the Deaf instructor, and the program end dramatically embarrassing. Through his eyes i can see anger and hatred that seems will never end.
But then in the same afternoon after we reach the church again, there he is greets me again and says," Hi Pastor how are you! " As if there is nothing happen. He smile back and like usual...back to his old hyperactive mode.
I can easily scold him and the cycle will repeat but then i realize that his heart is simple pure of joy and love that all his destructive behaviour is just part of who he is.
I learn how to forgive and forget completely from this boy.

Yet another truth was born in that Deaf Society Meeting

The greatest song you hear is the song composed by a deaf ear

The greatest paintings you will ever see is the picture painted by a blind person

The greatest praise you ever get i out from a mute mouth

The greatest touch you can ever receive is from those who suffer from leprosy, or any other skin disease...

The greatest forgiveness i ever experience is from an invisible being who claim himself as God

give it not from what they have but from what they dont...but yet they still give it because all of us has heart...

For it is in your weakness that He is strong