
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beyond The Word Religion

We are created for a purpose, for a pleasure of a God who loves us so much. That is what Christianity tries to portray and show to many. Well, people may agree or disagree with that. Some see Christianity as that form of force who asked to believe on their dogma, constrict their freedom, value human being based on one perspective and one perspective only, etc, etc. This perspective often driven by their personal experience with Christian. And to make matter worse, there are so many disagreement among Christian themselves. One will read the bible and interpret it the way other refuse to agree.

Well, i write this not to create a more complicated matter but rather to ask myself for what it does for me? How does it lead me to comprehend this person name God?

People will always define and redefine God. And it seems God is allowing that by being invisible. Sometimes i wish God just come down and open a press conference where He finnaly reveal and define Himself. He will correct the long waited wrong interpretation, and strengthen the right approach of Himself. It sounds like the perfect solution for all this ambiguous and confusing view of God. But on the same time, will we believe on Him? Will we treat Him with the awe and adoration of this mystery of being name God? There is a beauty in mystery and that is what i found through this exploration of religion and in particular Christianity. There is the msytery of greater experience of the unknown, unseen, untouchable. Yet its existence seems to be real no matter what. Beyond my senses, my presence. God does exist yet He is mysterious. He doesnt exist, but yet we are searching for a deep spiritual existence that we think is out there.

For that purpose i find that God is indeed beyond Religion. Religion is our attempt to contain this great mysterious being and to grasp God as much as our limited ability and capability can comprehend. It is our longing for knowing God.

In that process, we will encounter the obstacle of limitation, and this is the reason of me putting my faith on Christianity. It allows me to realize that grace is indeed ultimate mystery of God. It allows me to accept the fact of me in this limit, yet allow God still be God without me have contain it. I have to allow my inability to know God limits me and on the same time to let God know me unlimitedly. Its including finding the unknown side of me.

Grace is indeed become the only way i have to accept Him. That God is beyond me, yet its surround me.

Therefore, when our view of God is limited to religion, its something that only grace may answer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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