
Thursday, January 15, 2009


Yesterday we went for a dinner in one of my friend's house. It was not only my wife and i, but also some visitor from faraway. As the dinner goes, some of these friends thew a racial jokes about a certain group of people. But then, she end it up with saying "but i do believe that all people are equal"
Now that statement sounds ambiguous to me. What does she mean by "equal"? Now dont get me wrong, but i have my own position on this equality equilibrium.
I dont belief in the term of equality that all people have the same right and status in life. That is just too abstract for me. In the real world like today, like it or not some people will just do better than other. Some people will just have more money than other, some people will just prettier than other. That is the fact of reality. Now if you ask me why, then i need to write another blog for it.
However, i belief that equality means, that those of us who are "prettier, richer, luckier" than other has the duty to treat those who are not as lucky as we are the same treatment we do to those are considered better than us. We have to look at them on the same perspective like when we look at people who are better than us. That is equality.
Equality means, we are willing to accept those who fail to reach out to our standard, and treat them as if they have reached that standard that we put.
That is equality for me...


Goff said...

I like this train of thought. This is one of my favorite and unfavorite subjects. I love 'discrimination' parties... when people, though it hurts and is vulunerable, talk openly about how they recieve and discriminate themselves. It is humbling and good to get perspective.

The other day a friend made a similar comment. I was hurt. Thinking they probably don't even realize what they said is wrong. It is also hurtful when people qualify such statements with, "but you're not like them!" when in reality I do identify when whoever is them...

Good. Thanks for sharing.

OnZ'Q said...

So what does it means by "God made us equal"? Like the saying, "we're different but equal"?
It's so mind-boggling.....